Full oral health check and complete dental examination
Dental examination
Regular dental checkups by your dentist are the most effective way to prevent dental problems. Catching signs of dental problems early and treating them prevent them from becoming severe cases. Well-maintained oral health ensures you have fewer or no fillings, no root canals, no stains, and zero tooth loss due to cavities or gum disease. More serious diseases like oral cancer can be detected with regular exams. Keeping your mouth healthy is vital to your general health as well.
Fillings, root canals, crowns, dental bonding, and dental implants need regular inspection, sometimes with x-rays, to ensure they are in good condition. Damage and wear to these can cause problems that can even lead to dental surgery. Make your oral well-being a priority and visit the hygienist and your dentist regularly, and you will have fewer dental problems to deal with.
Dental examination at Mouth Dental
Equipped with the latest in diagnostic technology, we conduct meticulous dental exams. Our dentists are caring and friendly. You will be able to discuss concerns, treatments, and prior treatments freely for informed dental care.
Our hygienists use Airflow for gentler and more effective cleaning. It delivers minimally invasive scaling where needed and cleans and polishes in one single procedure. The technology also cleans dental restorations, implants, and orthodontics brackets.
What can you expect at a dental examination?
At a dental checkup, your dentist will ask about your general health, medical history, your current dental & oral issues, and whether you are currently on any medication. Your dentist will then closely inspect your teeth and gums, as well as the rest of your mouth and tongue. We will be looking at any signs of decay, inflamed gums, gum recession, discolouration, changes in soft tissue texture, unusual spots, or damage to restorations.
Based on your dental health and the condition of your implants, bridges, and crowns, your dentist may choose to take x-rays for further examination. These will allow us to help identify any problems below the surface and inside the tooth.
If problems are found, your dentist will explain what treatments are necessary. If there are risks of developing any oral or gum diseases, your dentist will advise you on what steps to take. You will also receive guidance on teeth cleaning habits, diet, alcohol consumption, and smoking. Depending on how healthy your teeth are, the next appointment for a checkup will be discussed.
Why Mouth Dental?
We bring modern dental care with a personal touch to our clinics. With a multi-disciplinary in-house specialist team, we cover all the bases when it comes to oral health. Preventive dentistry is one that we advocate. Our patient-focused approach helps us put your oral well-being first with personalised treatment plans. From dental sealants to protective veneers, we provide dental treatments that protect your precious natural teeth.
Mouth clinics have caring professionals and friendly teams. Our examination methods are non-invasive, and dental checkups are carried out in a relaxing environment. We keep track of your appointments for you and send out friendly reminder texts and emails. No parking at nine elms or Churchill place Limited Parking only available at south quay.
The clinic reception offers free WiFi, and our clinic shop stocks up on world-class dental care products.
Book your virtual consultation
Begin your personalised smile transformation at Mouth Dental.
Book your free consultation with us now and let’s discuss treatment options to help you get that perfect smile!
Frequently asked questions
What is a dental examination?
A dental examination or a checkup is an evaluation of your current dental and oral health. Your teeth, gums, tongue, and soft tissues of the mouth are inspected visually and sometimes using x-rays. It helps identify cavities, gum disease, or other oral issues.
Who needs a dental examination?
Everyone needs a dental checkup, from children developing permanent teeth to adults. You will need regular dental exams if you smoke, have teeth prone to decay, or have had restorative treatments like dental implants, crowns, dental bonding, or veneers. Those wearing orthodontic appliances may also need regular checkups and cleaning to ensure the appliances are not causing poor oral health.
What happens during an oral examination?
Your dentist will first discuss your oral and general health. Next, they will perform a thorough inspection of your mouth, paying particular attention to your teeth, gums, and tongue. They will be looking for signs of tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral issues that need dental treatment. Sometimes, x-rays are taken to further investigate.
How long do dental examinations take?
They can take anywhere between 45-60 minutes.
Why is it important to have a dental exam?
Dental exams are the best way to catch dental problems that can cause pain, root canals, or even tooth loss early on. Leaving dental problems untreated can make them difficult to treat and even lead to ultimate tooth loss.
What are the dental conditions and oral health issues that can be diagnosed via a dental examination?
A dental check can identify decay, damage to restorations, damage to retainers, stains & discolouration of teeth, worn-out teeth, chipped teeth, cracks on teeth, gum disease, gum recession, oral thrush, and even oral cancer.
How often should you have a dental examination?
Dental checkups are recommended every 6 months for better dental care. However, it depends on how healthy your teeth are. Some might not need to go so often. It is important to remember that cavities can form at anytime, and catching them early on will make the treatment less complex and more economical.
How much does a dental examination cost at Mouth Dental?
- Routine examinations £55
- Initial child exam £35
- Routine child exam £25
How do you prepare for a dental examination?
Brush and floss before the visit. Avoid teeth staining food and drink right before the dental check. If you are seeing a new dentist, make sure your medical records are transferred to the new practice. Make sure to mention all dental concerns you have noticed for the past months.
Do patients with dentures need dental checkups?
Yes, they need better oral hygiene due to dentures. Removable denture wearers may experience gum irritation, sores, and gum infections. These dentures also need adjusting as the bone mass reduces and the shape of the gums changes. Implant-retained dentures need oral exams to ensure the implants are not damaged. Professional teeth cleaning for dentures also help keep the mouth healthy.